Environmental Conservation refers to safeguarding the inter-dependence of ecology, and creation of pleasant and healthy surrounds through the following projects: Biodiversity Protection, Rural and Urban Landscaping and Greening, Wetlands Rehabilitation, Management of Alien Vegetation, River Cleaning initiatives, and Environmental Educational initiatives and Cleaning of the Coast.
Biodiversity Protection One of our core aims is to educate and build capacity within local African communities. Through each of our conservation work programmes, we strive to provide local communities with the proper tools and training needed to protect their local wildlife and rainforest. We hope to instill within these communities pride in their rich biodiversity, and encourage long term, sustainable protection of their local environment for generations to come.
Although we are a small organisation, our work continues to make significant waves in scientific discovery, conservation and environmental protection.
Urban Green Infrastructure (GI) has been promoted as an approach to respond to major urban environmental and social challenges such as reducing the ecological footprint, improving human health and well-being, and adapting to climate change
The main objective of Rural and Urban Landscaping is to develop a comprehensive, operational and actionable strategy to overcome the physical, psychological and institutional barriers to greening compact cities mainly in developing economies and also in developed economies (hereinafter referred to as “compact developing or developed cities” or “CDDC”).
Related to the primary objective, Akeela Foundation aims at developing practical urban greening methods based on relevant concepts as well as exemplary practices:
Wetlands are our natural assets and natural infrastructure able to provide a range of products, functions and services, free of charge. Despite being high-value ecosystems they make up only a small fraction of the country. Once considered valueless wastelands that needed to be converted to other uses in order to improve their usefulness to people, many governments around the world, including South Africa, were still providing farmers with incentives to convert their wetlands for agriculture as recently as the 1970s.
pivotal response by the government to this state of affairs Akeela Foundation decided to form a part of a national wetland rehabilitation programme. The decision to create such a programme came about through the convergence of several driving forces. It drew on objectives in environmental, biodiversity, water and agriculture policies, and capitalised on the growing recognition that wetland degradation is not necessarily permanent, and that it is possible to reinstate at least some ecosystem services through rehabilitation. A foundation was provided for the creation of the programme, in the form of another pioneering government initiative
The primary objective of Akeela Foundation wetland restoration can be three-fold. These projects can serve to reduce coastal flooding and erosion and can also provide new habitats and environmental benefits.
The term ‘wetland’ refers to a diverse range of shallow water and intertidal habitats, which occur in various locations around the world. Wetland restoration relates to the rehabilitation of previously existing wetland functions from a more impaired to a less impaired or unimpaired state of overall function.
Although similar to managed realignment, wetland restoration can be distinguished by the goal to maintain the present position of the coastline as opposed to realigning landward, as occurs under managed realignment.
Alien Vegetation refers to plants brought to South Africa from other countries, both intentionally and unintentionally, that cause human, environmental or economic harm.
Without natural enemies, these plants reproduce and spread rapidly, taking valuable water and space from our indigenous plants. Many alien plants consume more water than local plants, depleting our valuable underground water resources. Dense alien vegetation can also provide plenty of fuel for veldfires, making them exceptionally hot, which damages the burnt area’s soil structure.
Invasive alien plants are a major threat to biodiversity in catchment areas, potentially disrupting the delicate natural balance in ecosystems. As we depend on biodiversity for water, food, wood, clean air, medicine and much more, it is vitally important that we protect this resource.
These plants can have a severe effect on water resources, reducing water run-off by as much as 30% in heavily infested areas.
Akeela Foundation provides invasive alien vegetation management to ensure a sustainable water supply and to make cleared land productive again. Through our alien-vegetation removal programme, we train people from local disadvantaged communities in plant identification, chainsaw use, health and safety, herbicide use, personal finance, nutrition, drug awareness, site management, educating peers, and field safety and survival.
80% OF PLASTIC WASTE COMES FROM RIVERS Throughout the planet this problem has reached an unacceptable level of criticality. The impact of human beings on the planet has been devastating. Regardless of the consequences, waste of all kinds has continued to be dumped into our seas. One of the waste that has made his presence felt so strongly is plastic!
Akeela Foundation's goal is to stop the flow of plastic in rivers at its source. The main problem operating in river environments is the need to find a common and adaptable solution to very different situations, both in terms of width and depth of the water course and in terms of navigability.
Akeela Foundation's vision can be summarized by its pursuit to achieve sustainable development and conservation of natural resources at the local and national levels. Its mission is seen as its quest to achieve sustainable development for better livelihoods of the people in South Africa through the enhanced management of natural resources, especially forests, the building of technical and scientific capacities, and through advocacy and awareness in partnership with the local communities in addition to the private and public sectors.
Our initiative Includes helping with mending of fences, upkeep of facilities, painting and maintenance and helping to run environmental education camps for children and youth, as well as being an integral part in the outreach and awareness programmes for children from impoverished communities in South Africa. These camps are aimed at making children more aware and responsible for their own local environments.