Support health initiatives undertaken within communities by government and Other Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). The programme contributes towards combating HIV/AIDS, TB, COVID-19, malaria, and other diseases through interventions such as awareness campaigns on these diseases, preventative and support measures.
The implementation of collaborative COVID-19/TB/HIV activities may help to mitigate the impact of the dual epidemic on patients and communities. Such implementation requires integrated interventions across facilities and levels of government, and with communities. Engaging Community Care Workers (CCWs) in the delivery of integrated COVID-19/TB/HIV services may enhance universal coverage and treatment outcomes, and address human resource needs in South Africa.
South Africa, interest in engaging CCWs (Community Care Workers) has increased, largely due to the human resources challenges of addressing the dual COVID-19/TB/HIV burden. Increased demand for additional and lower cost health workers has led to large numbers of NGOs becoming involved in both HIV/AIDS, TB and COVID-19 programmes.
Akeela Foundation has created (CCWs) Community Care Workers including: (HCT counsellors) COVID-19 Counselling and Testing, HIV Counselling and Testing; generalist (CHW) community health workers focusing on health promotion; (HBCs) home based carers who provides palliative care to terminally ill AIDS clients; youth ambassadors (health education on HIV prevention among youth); and TB DOT supporters. This proliferation of cadres and positions has created jobs in a context of very high country-wide unemployment. It has also helped mitigate the impact of the epidemic in South Africa .